Thursday, February 12, 2009

I know already that it is going to be really difficult to explain how amazing this experience has been and we are only a few weeks in! Today was the 1 month anniversary of my departure from the states! Seems like longer, but it has also flown by- depending on how you look at it.

We just returned from a hardcore safari in Ruaha National Game Park yesterday! We were half-way there when they stopped the huge monster land rover -type vehicle we drive around (it fits at least 20 of us in there)- and our Tanzanian driver- Edgidy told us that we could ride on top- yep- it was as cool as it sounds - just hanging out on top of this safari machine driving through this park with the wind whipping in our hair across the dirt. The dirt is a rich red color and the vegetation was refreshingly green and thick as we enter the rainy season. The huge beobab (prob spelled wrong) trees were probably 20 ft in diameter at times and the pure blue sky with the gorgeous mountains fading into the backround was just breathtaking.

We stopped at a kiboko (hippo) and mamba (crocodile) pool as we entered the park. The water level was low so all the fish were there so there were more crocodiles- more than 60! just hanging out sitting on the bank with their huge mouths open! And so many hippos- they were fighting and opening their huge jaws! Then we drove further and found 2 big papa lions just taking a nap right next to the road- we named them Scar and Charlie- they were huge - easy to see why they call them the kings of the jungle. We saw a mama elephant and her tiny baby- so small it fit under her belly -amazing!

and much more-
out of time!
more soon!
much love


  1. That sounds awesome, Laura! So glad you are having a great time! Can't wait to see all your pictures and hear all about it! Love, Mom

  2. ooo, sounds so awesome. Can't wait to see what all lies ahead for you!
