Thursday, January 22, 2009

So I have ten minutes on the internet here at the youth hostel that I am staying at. We are in Amsterdam for tonight bc our flight goes out tom mornin-it has been a really interesting experience- we are actually staying at a Christian youth hostel that is actually basically in- or on the very edge of the Red Light District- don't worry we are safe and everything - we just actually had a Bible discussion and it was the coolest thing- there were a group of us -7 or 8 different nationalities- Bulgaria, Spain, France, Iraq, Alaska, Holland- and everyone was at a different place in their faith - it was really amazing to be part of it - there were Bibles in several different languages and everything- in a place that is pretty corrupted it is cool to see the Lord working and meet some really amazing people!

To update, as well on the last part of our time in England... We had a great day on the cliffs at the coast! It was crazy windy and freezing- I tried to take a picture of my foot in the English Channel and a wave soaked the bottom of my jeans. haha- then we went inside for some tea - so it was all better. Then the next day we went to Oxford and it was kind of a mini Taylor reunion. I saw Alyssa Bolt who is studying there for the semester, some girls who are there just for j-term and also we ran into the Lit London group - it was crazy. We ate at the pub where CS Lewis and Tolkein wrote too- The Eagle and Child- I loved it. Plus all the buildings looked like castles- so you really can't go wrong there!

Well got to go ! bey

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ah - I am a bit tired right now- but I guess that is what happens when you are touring London for 3 days in a row. :) We toured the Tate Modern art museum today complete with the most bizzare intriguing artwork you could imagine, as well as the Global Theatre- that's right Shakespeare and I are buds. Hillsong United London Church this morning was amazing- we met people from all over- London, Zambia, France, Bosnia- it was in a broadway theater and felt almost like a concert- it was so neat to see everyone all worshipping together and really excited and passionate about the Lord!

We actually hung out with the Lit London Taylor peeps a bit, as well - and went to a crazy little ('little'is pronounced with the t's silent with the British accent mind you) sushi bar- where there are mini platters that are rotated throught the restaurant on conveyer belts! The food has been spectacular- besides the sushi we had Thai at Tuck Tuck, the most to-die-for tiramassu at a cafe in Picadilly's Square, more tea than we could hope for, and interestingly enough- blood pudding. But they didn't bother to tell us the ingrediants until after we ate it. Although thinking about the things we are going to try in Tanzania it kind of pales in comparison.

So last night we walked around Picadilly's Circus which is kind of like the Time Square of London and browsed through some great shops in Oxford Circus. We saw a crazy protest occurring in Trafalgar's Square - it wasn't too crazy I mean- just 1000's of people ya know. We stopped at Harrod's themost high-scale store in London - even the lous were fancy -haha. And we walked around Portobello's market for a long time where they had a bunch of reasonable -ish goods sold by 100's of vendors. It was so much fun!

Oh and did I mention that our great hosts-Jan and Paul- took us to watch Wicked the other night? It was just astounding. So we are having a great time- we can navigate around teh tube (the underground) like it's our job- I'm not going to lie.

Then tom is the cliffs on the coast and seeing Jan's girl scout troop -British children are the cutest thing I have ever seen- I'm going to bring one home... and then going out in the evening. Then to Oxford for Tuesday and then the city Wednesday again! So it's been crazy and a blast- cheers love!

PS- check out Angela's blog- it's really funny!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

London Phrases that you might want to be familiar with if you decide to visit me over here:

biscuits- cookies
parcel- a package
the tube- (no not TV) it's the underground/subway in London
loris- semi trucks
jacket potatoes- basically a delicious loaded poatoe - not a veggie wearing a coat
boot- the trunk of a car
ringing- phoning
rubbish- lieral garbage -or if, for example we would be watching football (soccer), and the forward missed his shot, we might remark ''Oh that was rubbish!'' haha
Silk Tape-a brand of dental floss haha
the lou- hmm i wonder... the throne, the potty, the toliet - think you get the picture

So now you know! When you talk to me when I come back, I very well may through these phrases in my sentances, so be prepared.

Here is Angela's blog link, too:

cheerio darling!

Welcome to my recordings of my adventures in Tanzania! Actually, this title is not comprehensive because I am in Europe for about 10 days here. Conquering one continent at a time...

I have safely arrived in London town and am having an amazing time. I left from Cleveland-then Detroit- then made it to Amsterdam by 7:30 AM their time... 1:30 AM their time- and ready to hit the sack- instead... Angela and I went out in the city and painted the town red... maybe not the best terminology there considering that the Red Light district is there and such. But it really was a great city- 1000's and 1000's of bicycles and canals-and some shops selling some very ''special'' items- it was interesting. And cafes - we stopped at one and ate a quite dainty ciabatta sandwhich- Angela got embarressed when I took pictures of the awesome Dutch ppl on bicycles- not to worry- they didn't get too mad.

So, after walking around we took the train back to the airport and lugged our luggage around until we could check it. By this time you can image that we were indeed cheery and very happy to be alive (insert sarcasm here). We made it faster than anticipated to London and Angela's amazing Aunt and Uncle- Jan and Paul picked us up. As we jumped into the car (after clearing the ''rubbish'' out of the trunk- AKA the junk in the trunk) we put the our bags into the trunk and afterwards as we got in and found that the steering wheel was on the left side! It was exciting and an extremely long day.

Day traveling: Angela: ''I really don't feel that tired- I think jetlag is a myth.''
Next morning in London: Angela ''Jetlag is kicking our butts...''

Regardless we had a great day- we explored the village of Ingastone and its ivy covered houses and shops, the church built in 1010 ish, and the foggy cricket field. Then we ate lunch at a great little pub with Jan and Paul and I had a jacket potatoe. Then this evening we explored an England mall and had some great experiences. To read Angela's embarressing cultural moment -check out her blog.

Until next time I will be attempting to acquire the brilliant British accent and get over this jetlag...