Thursday, January 22, 2009

So I have ten minutes on the internet here at the youth hostel that I am staying at. We are in Amsterdam for tonight bc our flight goes out tom mornin-it has been a really interesting experience- we are actually staying at a Christian youth hostel that is actually basically in- or on the very edge of the Red Light District- don't worry we are safe and everything - we just actually had a Bible discussion and it was the coolest thing- there were a group of us -7 or 8 different nationalities- Bulgaria, Spain, France, Iraq, Alaska, Holland- and everyone was at a different place in their faith - it was really amazing to be part of it - there were Bibles in several different languages and everything- in a place that is pretty corrupted it is cool to see the Lord working and meet some really amazing people!

To update, as well on the last part of our time in England... We had a great day on the cliffs at the coast! It was crazy windy and freezing- I tried to take a picture of my foot in the English Channel and a wave soaked the bottom of my jeans. haha- then we went inside for some tea - so it was all better. Then the next day we went to Oxford and it was kind of a mini Taylor reunion. I saw Alyssa Bolt who is studying there for the semester, some girls who are there just for j-term and also we ran into the Lit London group - it was crazy. We ate at the pub where CS Lewis and Tolkein wrote too- The Eagle and Child- I loved it. Plus all the buildings looked like castles- so you really can't go wrong there!

Well got to go ! bey


  1. shmucker! so good to hear your updates. miss you lots. - bobbett

  2. Laura can I just say how excited I am for you, and I love reading all about your adventures. I love you love you love you so MUCH!!

  3. Hi Laura,
    This is Angela's mom. I am so glad you enjoyed Jan and Paul. Aren't they wonderful!!!! We love them, too! Hope you and Ang are having fun in Africa and learning, too. Hope to hear more stories soon.
    Ms. Van Gorp

  4. If only I could hop on a plane and be with you right now! I'm glad you had such a good time in England. Are you in Tanzania yet??

    Miss you lots!
    Liz Chang
