Thursday, January 15, 2009

cheerio darling!

Welcome to my recordings of my adventures in Tanzania! Actually, this title is not comprehensive because I am in Europe for about 10 days here. Conquering one continent at a time...

I have safely arrived in London town and am having an amazing time. I left from Cleveland-then Detroit- then made it to Amsterdam by 7:30 AM their time... 1:30 AM their time- and ready to hit the sack- instead... Angela and I went out in the city and painted the town red... maybe not the best terminology there considering that the Red Light district is there and such. But it really was a great city- 1000's and 1000's of bicycles and canals-and some shops selling some very ''special'' items- it was interesting. And cafes - we stopped at one and ate a quite dainty ciabatta sandwhich- Angela got embarressed when I took pictures of the awesome Dutch ppl on bicycles- not to worry- they didn't get too mad.

So, after walking around we took the train back to the airport and lugged our luggage around until we could check it. By this time you can image that we were indeed cheery and very happy to be alive (insert sarcasm here). We made it faster than anticipated to London and Angela's amazing Aunt and Uncle- Jan and Paul picked us up. As we jumped into the car (after clearing the ''rubbish'' out of the trunk- AKA the junk in the trunk) we put the our bags into the trunk and afterwards as we got in and found that the steering wheel was on the left side! It was exciting and an extremely long day.

Day traveling: Angela: ''I really don't feel that tired- I think jetlag is a myth.''
Next morning in London: Angela ''Jetlag is kicking our butts...''

Regardless we had a great day- we explored the village of Ingastone and its ivy covered houses and shops, the church built in 1010 ish, and the foggy cricket field. Then we ate lunch at a great little pub with Jan and Paul and I had a jacket potatoe. Then this evening we explored an England mall and had some great experiences. To read Angela's embarressing cultural moment -check out her blog.

Until next time I will be attempting to acquire the brilliant British accent and get over this jetlag...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura! Read your blog at 2:30 AM - night owls, aren't we? It was great, very interesting. I will make sure everyone gets the address. Glad you are having such an awesome time! You're blessed! Love you!Mom
